Saturday, August 31, 2019

Comparison of Necrosis and Apoptosis Essay

Discuss the similarities and differences between the two types of cell death, Necrosis and Apoptosis. Both necrosis and apoptosis are the two types of cell death than can occur when a cell has undergone harm or disease. Necrosis is an uncontrolled process in which there is a complete breakdown of cellular homeostatis with a large unco-ordinates breakdown of all cellular constituents. Necrosis can occur due to many factors such as an infection or failure of blood supply (ischemia). Examples of necrosis can includes Fat necrosis (seen in patients with breast cancer), Caseous necrosis and coagulation necrosis (common in TB patients). On the other hand, Apoptosis is a controlled process, which is often referred to as ‘programmed cell death’ and involves the cell undergoing a sequence of events to eliminate harmful cells without releasing harmful substances to the area. Apoptosis can undergo 2 pathways, the intrinsic and extrinsic pathway. When looking at the morphological features related to necrosis, compared to that of apoptosis, it can be seen that necrosis has a loss of membrane integrity, and the uncontrollable process eventually eats away at the cells core membrane, whilst apoptosis deals with the membrane by ‘blebbing’ the plasma, yet leaving the membrane in tact. No vesicle’s are formed for necrosis compared to apoptosis where there are some membrane bound vesicles. Necrosis undergoes total lysis (death) and the term ‘karylolysis’ is given for when the cells nucleus dies, although apoptosis is known to be a programmed form of cell death, the mechanisms highlight that the cells are fragmented into smaller bodies and the body naturally removes them, without causing an inflammatory response, compared to necrosis where an inflammatory response is created. Biochemical features include the need of ATP for apoptosis to occur, yet necrosis can happen freely without any form of energy supplied. DNA is randomly digested and the death is some what ‘random’ and unorganised, affecting neighbouring tissue (secondary), whilst that of apoptosis involves oligonucleosomal fragmentation of DNA, penetrating the nuclesome rarther that digestion. The intrinsic mechanism of apoptosis shows the release of  cytochrome C to occur by cytoplasm, eventually helping the cell, where as necrosis produces no beneficial products after performing cell death. To conclude, both necrosis and apoptosis are forms of cell death. Whilst one is an uncontrollable process, involving random and lethal harm to cells and surrounding tissues, one is somewhat ‘programmed’ and benefits the cells by removing those that have been affected by an injurious stimuli (such as an infection of lack of blood). Necrosis is a ‘messy’ process producing gross matter, whilst apoptosis releases useful content back into the body. Morpholical and biochemical features are highlight the main differences between both forms of cell death, and as these continue to be performed silently within our body, they can cause either good, or bad consequences.

Case Study-Barclays

BARCLAYS: MATT BARRETT’S JOURNEY – WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS I. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS, CASE INTRODUCTION AND KEY POINTS Introduction The case covers the introduction of Matt Barrett as CEO of Barclays and the changes he introduced to the organization to maintain its competitive position within the retail financial services industry. In an increasingly competitive environment, Barclays is losing ground due to its lack of data-driven actions and small global presence. The case outlines the actions taken by Barrett to transform some of the key characteristics of Barclays’ corporate structure, and concludes by presenting the challenge he will face in getting management buy-in in order to implement his vision. The key challenges that Barclays faces include: market consolidation, the emergence of the Euro and European Central Bank, increased reliance on IT and web-based platforms, and the rigidity of its own corporate structure. II. EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS Summarize the external environment, including conditions in the general, industry, and competitor environments. a. The General Environment Definition: The general environment is focused on the future and can be analyzed by considering the STEEP framework: Social/demographic, Technological, Economic, Environmental/geographic and Political/legal/governmental factors at play. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Social/Demographic Technological Economic Environmental/Geographic Political/Legal/Governmental Discussion Question 1: Perform a STEEP analysis to understand the general environment facing Barclays. How will Barclays be affected by external factors? In particular, what will the effect of globalization be in terms of threats and opportunities? Social/Demographic Segment ? English is becoming increasingly the world-wide language of business offering Anglophone Barclays opportunities to expand into international markets with reduced language barriers. BARCLAYS |1 BARCLAYS: MATT BARRETT’S JOURNEY – WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS Technological: ? ? ? Increased world-wide reliance on IT and the emergence of web-based solutions in 2000 will elevate Barclays’ need to diversify portfolio offerings. Barclays’ must update its â€Å"woefully inadequate† Management Information Systems (MIS) and begin to automate labor intensive processes to reduce costs. In order to enter new markets to increase revenues and satisfy institutional investors, Barclays must invest in increased technology capabilities. Economic: ? ? ? Robust economic environment due to tech boom will increase liquidity in the marketplace. As a result, acquisitions will be more costly than in a down economy. However this will also cause capital to be more accessible. Market trends towards consolidation will pressure Barclays to regain its industry leadership position through acquisition. Globalization and world economy flattening will require Barclays to become a global company expanding its offerings beyond its current UK focus. Environmental/Geographic: ? Geographic borders and distances between countries are shrinking with increased technology and a globalized economy. This will both require and facilitate Barclays’ global presence. Political/Legal/Governmental: ? ? Emergence of the Euro and strengthening of the EU will reduce FX exposure for the European markets and stabilize European economies. European Central Bank will control interest rates in Europe making Barclays more vulnerable to its decisions (versus the decentralized banks prior to the Euro emergence). With an ever increasing number of banks operating across both political and geographic borders, Barclays must expand its reach beyond the UK to remain competitive and avoid a potential takeover. In doing this, Barclays must consider a set of threats and opportunities that are involved with operating outside the UK: Threats 1. Operating a multinational corporation involves managing across multiple cultures, languages, and economic environments – Barclays’ organizational structure must be flexible enough to adapt to these. . Low brand recognition internationally would make competition against local institutions costly. BARCLAYS |2 BARCLAYS: MATT BARRETT’S JOURNEY – WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS 3. Relocation abroad requires high infrastructure costs. 4. Locating Barclays’ and its customers’ assets across multiple currencies exposes both to fluctuations in exchange rates. 5. Failed expansion into foreign market might damage brand image and alienate n ew customers. Opportunities 1. Increased global reach and brand presence. 2. Diversified risk. 3. Possibility to create new revenue streams through new customer acquisition. 4. Gain first mover advantage in emerging markets. 5. Increases attractiveness of Barclays to multinational corporations. b. The Industry Environment Definition: An industry is a group of firms producing products that are close substitutes. In the course of competition, these firms influence one another. Typically, industries include a rich mixture of competitive strategies that companies use to pursue above-average returns. In part, these strategies are chosen because of the influence of an industry’s characteristics. Compared with the general environment, the industry environment often has a more direct effect on the firm’s strategic competitiveness and above-average returns. The industry environment is the set of factors that directly influences a firm and its competitive actions and competitive responses. Porter’s 5 Forces Model is a powerful tool for understanding the dynamics amongst the five key factors that determine an industry’s level of rivalry and profit potential. [Outlined below, High=H; Medium=M; Low=L] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Threat of New Entrants (or barriers to entry) Supplier Power Threat of Product Substitutes Buyer Power Intensity of Rivalry Discussion Question 2: Use Porter’s Five Forces Model to analyze the retail financial services industry in the UK. Given this analysis, is the industry attractive or unattractive? The below Porter’s 5 forces analysis shows that the retail financial services industry in the UK is a potentially attractive industry due to low threat of new entrants, supplier power, and substitutes. On the other hand, medium buyer power and high rivalry within the industry could inhibit return possibilities. Threat of New Entrants (or barriers to entry): Low ? ? High infrastructure costs Barclays has high brand recognition within the UK, less so in its other markets BARCLAYS |3 BARCLAYS: MATT BARRETT’S JOURNEY – WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS ? ? Regulatory and security issues make market entry complicated for smaller players NOTE: Mergers of existing banks, if considered ‘new entrants’, must be addressed given the consolidation trend existing in the market. Smaller regional banks could pull customers away from Barclays if they were to merge and offer more extensive services but retain local roots and connections. Supplier Power: Low ? Switching costs among IT suppliers low in a fragmented industry Threat of Product Substitutes: Low ? Traditional, paper based, systems have become outdated and are no longer feasible. Asset management advice is preferred by customers over DIY Buyer Power: Medium ? ? Price sensitivity of retail consumer (major revenue stream for Barclays) relatively high compared to that of corporate client Switching costs of retail consumer (major revenue stream for Barclays) relatively high compared to those of corporate client Intensity of Rivalry: High ? ? Customer loyalty and brand recognition make switching of banking provider less likely Large number of competitors within the retail banking space NOTE: Competition within the industry is based on both price and services The Competitor Environment c. Definition: The competitor environment is the final subject of analysis required to gain a full understanding of the company's external environment. A competitor analysis focuse s on each company against which a firm directly competes and involves gathering and interpreting information about its competitors. Competitive rivalry is the ongoing set of competitive actions and responses that occur among firms as they maneuver for an advantageous market position. Especially in highly competitive industries, companies constantly jockey for advantage as they launch strategic actions and respond or react to rivals’ moves. It is important to understand competitive rivalry because it influences a firm’s ability to gain and sustain competitive advantages. 3 I’s Framework Leveraging the 3 I’s framework provides a thorough overview by grouping competitors into three buckets: immediate competition, impending competition, invisible competition. BARCLAYS |4 BARCLAYS: MATT BARRETT’S JOURNEY – WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS 1. Immediate Competition: Immediate competitors to Barclays are considered to be the major financial institutions located in the UK such as Lloyds TSB and RBS. These institutions are gaining increasing presence over Barclays due to their lower cost structures and improved efficiencies. 2. Impending Competition: Impending competitors to Barclays include international financial services firms such as Credit Suisse First Boston, and smaller firms operating in one of Barclays’ business categories such as investment advisory firms (Zoete Bevan, Wells Fargo Nikko). . Invisible Competition: Barclays’ invisible competitors include smaller UK based businesses that focus solely on a product offered by one of Barclays’ divisions, such as smaller mortgage lending businesses (Woolwich). III. INTERNAL COMPANY ANALYSIS Summarize internal company factors including: capabilities and weaknesses, value chain activities, strategy, and financial situation. a. Outline the company's internal capabilities and weaknesses. Definition: Capabilities exist when resources have been integrated to achieve a specific set of tasks and are frequently developed within a specific functional area. In addition to identifying the company's opportunities and threats from the external environment, another important objective of the situation analysis is to evaluate strengths and weaknesses as input for developing the company's strategies. Discussion Question 3: What are the main capabilities of Barclays? Does Barclays have a core competence? Barclays’ main capabilities include retail financial services and corporate banking within the UK. The company’s core competencies (i. e. trengths relative to competitors that give it a competitive edge) include: a strong brand presence within the UK, a strong domestic franchise, new innovative leadership under Matt Barrett, and outstanding (276%) market cap growth from 1995-2000. BARCLAYS |5 BARCLAYS: MATT BARRETT’S JOURNEY – WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS Discussion Question 4: Create a SWOT analysis to understand Barclays’ strengths and weaknesses. Does Barclays have a sustainable competitive advantage in the re tail financial services industry? If so, what is the source? Strengths 1. Strong brand presence within UK 2. 76% growth in market cap from 19952000 3. Strong domestic franchise 4. Strong new leadership with strategic vision (Matt Barrett) Opportunities 1. Opportunity to expand into global markets (Barclays Global Investors only 2% of business) 2. Ability to strengthen existing brand presence within Europe (10% of sales and profits) 3. Streamline cost sharing among business units (HR, IT, Finance, etc. ) Weaknesses 1. Cost to income ratio significantly higher than competition (business units operate as silos) 2. Narrow focus (61% of revenue from RFS, capital division focused on debt products) 3. Limited global presence (80% of profits from UK) Threats 1. Management reluctance to embrace new strategies, demoralized staff 2. Competitors have lower cost advantage 3. Stronger global presence of international competitors 4. Dissatisfied institutional investors 5. Inadequate IT systems can inhibit growth Barclays’ competitive advantage includes its: strong presence within the UK market both in terms of locations and brand recognition, strong innovative leadership, and international presence. Barclays’ business strategy has focused on growth within the UK and has not invested enough capital into international expansion. In a globalizing economy with rising multinational financial corporations, the lack of a strong international presence is something that could significantly hurt Barclays in the long-term, and even turn it into a takeover target as institutional investors continue to lose faith in the company. b. Conduct a Value Chain analysis to identify value-creating activities. Definition: By exploiting its core competencies, a competitive firm creates value for its customers. Value is measured by a product’s performance characteristics and by its attributes for which customers are willing to pay. Companies with a competitive advantage offer value to BARCLAYS |6 BARCLAYS: MATT BARRETT’S JOURNEY – WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS customers that is superior to the value competitors can provide. Value is created by innovatively bundling and leveraging resources and capabilities. A value chain analysis provides information relative to primary (inbound/outbound logistics, operations, marketing & sales, and service) and secondary (firm infrastructure, human resources mgmt, technological developments and procurement) activities. A value chain representation of Barclays’ primary and support activities is presented in the diagram below. This information can be used to establish a business strategy which targets select activities to create a sustainable competitive advantage. Primary Activities ? ? ? ? Inbound/Outbound Logistics: N/A Operations: o Strong focus on Retail Financial Services (RFS), account for 61% of revenue o Sold cash, equities, and corporate finance businesses to focus on debt products Service: N/A Marketing and Sales: o Strong focus on UK market and low global presence o Reliance on UK brand recognition Support Activities ? ? ? HR Management: o Executive committee not performing as decision making team o Higher than average staff expenses put heavy strain on cost structure Technology Development: o Management Information Services (MIS) system is outdated and inadequate Firm Infrastructure: BARCLAYS |7 BARCLAYS: MATT BARRETT’S JOURNEY – WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS o Divisions operating as silos (each has own HR, IT, etc. ) o Lack of data driven decision making processes o Introduction of the Euro and the European Central Bank affect Barclays’ exposure to foreign exchange as well as interest rate changes both for the company itself and its clients Procurement: N/A Discussion Question 5: Which components of Barclays’ value chain have made the company successful thus far? What changes to Barclays’ organizational structure and focus are necessary for Barclays to remain competitive? Barclays has become a major player in the banking industry through strong brand presence within the UK, earning it one out of every five personal customers, and a clear focus on Retail Financial Services (RFS). However, both its UK presence and RFS focus have failed to provide a sustainable competitive advantage for the company. In order to remain competitive within the banking industry, Barclays must examine and redesign various components of its value chain including: 1. Focus on Retail Financial Services: a. Barclays must expand its focus beyond RFS by creating new product offerings for corporate customers and further expanding internationally to give newly acquired corporate customers global access. 2. Outdated and inadequate MIS system: a. In order to manage its internal functions efficiently, Barclays must adopt technological innovations and update its MIS system. 3. Lack of data driven decision making: a. In order to compete in an industry driven by statistics and analytics, Barclays must emphasize data driven decisions throughout its corporate structure. 4. Fragmented core divisions: a. Operating fragmented core divisions such as HR and Finance creates additional costs as well as bureaucracy and inefficiencies. Barclays must consolidate these shared services. BARCLAYS |8 BARCLAYS: MATT BARRETT’S JOURNEY – WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS c. Financial Analysis Definition: Financial analysis is used to assess the viability, stability and profitability of a company or operating division. The analysis is done using quantitative historical performance found in the financial reporting documents (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Statement of Cash Flows). The goal of the analysis is to understand a company’s financial health through its profitability, solvency, liquidity, and stability. Given the financial information provided in the case, it is clear that Barclays is lagging behind its competitors in cost control measures, and has allowed both PP&E and Staff Expenses to rise above its competitors’ average. Operating expenses as % of income In addition, an analysis of the company’s divisions and their respective earnings contribution reveals that Barclays heavily relies on its Retail Financial Services division for a large portion of its earnings; this suggests that diversification might be needed. NOTE: Further analysis into the average contribution of each revenue stream for other players in the industry is needed before diversification can be e ntirely justified. BARCLAYS |9 BARCLAYS: MATT BARRETT’S JOURNEY – WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS IV. STRATEGY FORMULATIO N Summarize Barclays’ strategic position as it relates to its current strategy and the components thereof. a. Summarize Barclays’ current strategy. Barclays’ current strategic objective is to drive profits by consolidating internal functions and expanding its international presence. The company is a major player in the UK financial services and retail banking industry but has lost ground internationally despite rapidly rising market capitalization. Fragmented internal divisions and a lack of aggressive expansion have brought up the need for extensive managerial and structural changes to the firm. This prompted the hiring of a new CEO, Matt Barrett, who established a series of restructuring goals for Barclays to remain competitive. b. Strategic Analysis Definition: Conduct an analysis of Barclays’ business strategy by using the 4 P’s Framework. The 4 P’s Framework is used to understand a company’s strategy based on its Position (Mission, Values, and Vision), Priorities, Payments (what it will spend its money on to reach those priorities), and Performance (how it will measure success). By completing the framework, we can analyze a company’s current, future, or recommended priorities as well as set forth a path in order to achieve goals and measure accomplishments. Use the 4 P’s Framework to analyze the firm’s past/current/future strategy. 1. Position a. Mission: To provide innovative products, excellent careers, positive community contributions B A R C L A Y S | 10 BARCLAYS: MATT BARRETT’S JOURNEY – WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS b. Values: Fact based decisions, customer service, and value maximizing strategy c. Vision: To be one of the most admired financial service organizations in the world 2. Priorities: 1. Develop cross-group synergies to lower costs and improve efficiency 2. Expand reach of Barclays brand abroad through strategic alliances/acquisitions 3. Continue to diversify existing business portfolio 3. Payments: 1. Invest in adequate IT systems 2. Invest in human capital initiatives to align incentives and boost morale 3. Invest in marketing and strategic alliances/acquisitions in underserved regions/segments 4. Performance: 1. Shareholder returns vs. peer institutions 2. Customer and revenue growth (double profits in four years) 3. Increased profit due to lower costs and increased efficiency (reduce costs by ? 1bn) Discuss possible recommendations that Barclays could follow going forward to improve the performance of the company. Determine the decision criteria and also analyze the pros and cons of each recommendation. In order to remain competitive within the marketplace, Barclays must: 1. i. ii. iii. 2. i. ii. 3. i. ii. iii. Develop cross-group synergies to lower costs and improve efficiency by: Rebuilding core infrastructure to consolidate HR, IT, and Finance groups across individual divisions Reducing costs by 18% (? bn) Realigning incentives to reward value-add decisions; Expand Barclays brand abroad though: Increased brand presence in Europe to enter top 5 ranking Strengthening of the brand in US and Africa; Continue diversifying the existing business portfolio by: Expanding Barclays product and service portfolio to strengthen weak or underrepresented areas to serve affluent/high net worth segments Decrea sing reliance on Retail Financial Services by strengthening Barclays Capital and Barclays Global Investors divisions Entering new markets by acquiring major players (e. g. Woolwich). B A R C L A Y S | 11 BARCLAYS: MATT BARRETT’S JOURNEY – WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS Question Reduce staff expenses Option / Hypothesis Reduce labor costs by increasing automation Decision Criteria ? Cost/Benefit analysis ? Effect on employee morale ? Technology capabilities ? Revenue growth ? Barriers to entry ? Effect on current resources ? Revenue Pros †¢ Long term cost reduction †¢ Streamlining of processes †¢ More control over information flow and analysis †¢ Does not cannibalize existing revenue streams †¢ Increase global reach and brand presence †¢ Diversifies risk †¢ Existing customer loyalty and brand presence †¢ No need for customer acquisition Cons †¢ High up-front cost †¢ Lengthy implementation period †¢ Technology risk †¢ Negative effect on employee morale †¢ High cost †¢ High risk and FX exposure †¢ No trial period †¢ Culture clashes, integration logistics †¢ Might stretch resources too thin †¢ Requires investment in infrastructure and human capital †¢ Requires new expertise Diversify target markets Increase revenue through new market entry with current product suite Diversify product offerings Increase equity and investment banking focus of Barclay Capital division growth ? Barriers to entry ? Effect on current resources B A R C L A Y S | 12

Friday, August 30, 2019

Book Report: Road Trip Essay

II. Theme The book is basically all about having God in your life. The book determines how great is our God, what would our life be with God on our side, what would happen if we let God control our life, what is christian life, how to live a christian life, how to overcome problems, how to overcome temptations and how to trust God. The book is dedicated for me, you, and all of us. Preferably, this book is for teenagers, as I’ve read the book, the use of words, the structure of the sentences, and the concepts are for teen-agers. It can be assumed that the author chose these methods to catch the attention of the teenagers. Technically this is for teenagers; however, the author stated that â€Å"This book is dedicated to you. I have been praying for you even before I started writing this book. Here I am, wishing that you find where you need to be in life’s journey† (Dela Torre, 2009). This statement would prove that this book is suitable for all ages since the author wanted everyone to read his work for them to experience God. This book is literally made for all of us. Every Christian’s burden is to introduce God to the unbelievers and to save their souls through Jesus Christ. This is the author’s purpose of writing this book, to bring hope for the people, to bring happiness to the people and to give Jesus to them. The author desires every reader to accept Jesus Christ in their life through this book for them to have a better life and for them to be saved from all their sins. There are three major matters that author wanted to pin point. First, teaching Christians and the New Christians how to live a God-Centered life; to let God be in the â€Å"Driver seat† of their life by letting God be in full control of their lives. This can only be done by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior and by repenting from all your sins; everything will follow after receiving Jesus. Second is, overcoming trials and temptations. There are no doubts that problems and temptations will occur so often when you become a Christian, this is because the enemy wanted to take us away from God. Though the enemy is persistent from his temptations and lies, God is still more powerful, way more powerful than Satan. This is the reason why we should cling and trust more to Jesus in times of trial for this will make us stronger Christians. And lastly, trusting God in everything. As Christians, we should trust God in our everyday lives, we should trust him in his timing, and we should trust him in times of trials and pain. We should trust God on each step we make as we draw closer to Him. III. Chapters Intro: Ready for road trip? – This chapter describes a typical teenage life. Having all the means, all the gadgets, all the technology to make things simpler, easier, entertaining and especially fun and yet they find their lives boring and unproductive. This is what most teenager life is; having everything they could ask for and yet they are incapable of noticing it until they realize that it’s gone. Chapter 1 (Out of the Driver’s seat) – Having everything won’t make us complete. Even the richest man in the world would still feel empty and blue even if he could have everything. Ever wondered why? The chapter shows that life without God is nothing and money can’t buy everything. Chapter 2 (Need Directions?) – God knows best, life with God means giving up everything to God and allowing Him to take control of your life. What the author wanted to point out is, God’s plan for us is better than ours, we should trust God in his plans for He will let us prosper and grow. What God is asking for us is to have faith in him; put Him first in everything we do, and glorify him in every step we take. Chapter 3 (Through Smooth and Bumpy Roads) – Being a Christian doesn’t mean having problem-free and stress-free life. Being a Christian gives us hope in trials and strength to face it unlike the unbelievers who would just fold and quit in life. People asks favors from God and God has three responses for every person’s favors. First is yes, second is no and third is wait. Just like the previous chapter (Chapter 2), we Christians should realize that God won’t give us everything we ask for if this will harm us in the future and we should hold on to God’s promise that his plans for us will make us prosper. Chapter 4 (Travel Light) – â€Å"Travel Light† in this chapter, the author tells us that letting go of your pride is letting your heart be free of anger and grudges that you are holding against the other. Forgiveness in one form of love, Christians learned how to forgive because God became a great model of forgiveness. He gave His only Son to forgive us from our sins and this what every Christians should do, forgive others just like how God forgave you. Having a heavy heart because of pride, anger, hatred and grudges will be a barrier to experience a happy and light heart with God. Chapter 5 (When the Sign Says Yield) – How to express our love to God? This chapter explains us how to show our love for God and this is by being obedient with everything God told us, by being committed to God and giving up everything to God. Chapter 6 (Warning: Potholes ahead) – Since we became Christians, the enemy worked double time to tempt us with his lies just to bring us back to him and to drag us away from God. This is why our mind is the battlefield between the Good and Bad, and the only solution to overcome the enemy is by asking God’s guidance for we all know that â€Å"Greater is He that’s in me than he that is in the world†. Chapter 7 (Read the Manual) – This chapter reveals the value of reading and meditating God’s word (The Bible). The Bible gives every Christians strength each day, gives them more promises that God has in store, and give them knowledge on how great is the God they are serving. Chapter 8 (Gas Up) – Praying will keep us going in our Christian life. Without prayers, life would be miserable, out of focus and nowhere to go. Not praying is one way of saying that we don’t need God’s guidance and this is a bad sign for a Christian life for this may cause â€Å"coldness† with your relationship with God. This is the reason why we should pray day and night for us to be filled with God’s grace and to know Christ more and more and deeper and deeper. Chapter 9 (Reverse and Look Up) – This chapter shows how Jesus died on the cross and why Jesus died on the cross. The main reason why Jesus was nailed on the cross is because of us, to free us from our sins. That’s how much God loves us; he sacrificed his only son to free us from our sins. With these things being said, the author also gave the reasons why we should worship God for the things He had done for us. Chapter 10 (Notes From Your Fellow Road Tripper) – This chapter wraps up the whole book and telling all the readers that this is only the beginning and the best is yet to come. We should expect more from God and we should be eager to know Him more and more. IV. Personal Perspective I definitely enjoyed the book; it taught me how to be close to God in a â€Å"cool† way, how to deal with problems, how to live a Godly life, what are the do’s and don’ts of being a Christian, how to glorify God and it gave me more reasons why I should praise God when in fact, we can’t count the reasons why we should praise Him for it is endless. This book brings back the â€Å"fire† in my heart to be close again with God. This book brings up the common problems of teenagers that why I easily relate what the book says and the author’s writing style is a bit humorous and fancy that causes me to read it more. This book helped me a lot. I agree on everything the author said but what struck my heart most is when the author talks about God’s love for us. I just feel so blessed that we have a God like Him that love us unconditionally and unfailing, I can’t argue that God love us for I feel God’s love for me in every way. The three principles that I would apply in my life are; to always obey God; never forget to pray, and worship Him and glorify Him in everything I do. Obeying God is a form of love that’s why I want to show Him my love by being obedient on anything He says. His plans for me are better than mine that is why this assures that everything He asks me to do will prosper me and make me better. Having communication with God is a must for me, this will make me closer to Him and I can do this by prayer and reading the bible. This is just like every relationship, every relationship need communication in order for it to be deeper. Having communication with God every now and then will make your faith grow even more. Worshipping God must be my lifestyle, it just feels good to worship God it is indescribable. Life seems all better when you anything you do is for the glory of God. This is what every people in love with God should do. I would definitely recommend this book; this might change lives of other people just like what happened to me. I believe that God blessed this book to change the lives of the unbelievers and to revive the â€Å"stagnant Christian†. We can learn so much from this book like how God loves us, how to deal with problems, what to do in life, how to be happy and a lot more. I’m not sure if the author has any other book but if he does, I will definitely read it. I’m sure that his other books will make me grow more in my Christian life and I will learn more of God. V. Conclusion This book changed my life; it made my Christian life alive again and revived my relationship with God. I was once a Christian but I walked away from God because of sins, temptations and all the lies of the enemy. While I was reading this book, it seems like I’m a new Christian, I’m so eager to know more about God and how to worship him. It brought back the old me that love God so much and willing to serve our Lord in every ways. Even though I’m an old Christian, remembering how God paid for our sin still makes my heart cry out. We are so blessed that God loves us so much, and with that, we should give Him back all the glory by giving our hearts to Him and to worship in every breathe we take. To God be all the glory!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Motivation For Students In Senior Level Education Essay

Motivation For Students In Senior Level Education - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that sometimes intrinsic motivation is innate in students and the level of intrinsic motivation differs from students to students and varies with the work. While extrinsic motivation emphasises on rewards and is contingent upon outside influences. Sometimes extrinsic motivation can diminish the internal drive to complete work as rewards can at times serve as discouraging rather than encouraging and that would undermine self-motivation and interest of learning new tasks and lessons. Since continuous dependence on external rewards, motivation towards academic and educational endeavours may become unstable. Hence, intrinsic motivation is vital for development and growth in students. Extrinsic motivation is also critical but without the internal desire of students, it would be difficult for the students to master the important lessons and thereby propel and excel in the academic sphere. Therefore, motivation in both forms act as a driving force i n all stages of education and especially for senior level education. To enhance motivation in students in the senior level of education, teachers play a pivotal role. This is a difficult task as understanding student psychology is arduous. It requires a lot of attention as all students is not motivated in the same way and thereby it becomes imperative to understand and cater to individual student needs. Most teachers lack the skills to guide students properly and thus fail to encourage students and bring out their true potential. Guidance of a teacher is very important to keep students motivated. However, it is very crucial to keep in mind that students should be allowed to take their decisions independently and have some choice and control over the issues related to academic. This will keep them involved and at the same time help in developing a strong sense of commitment within them.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Politics and government Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Politics and government - Article Example n’s representation in a third world country (Kenya); it will look at the pros and cons of quota system and then put it in the context of the selected country. The quota system is aimed at increasing the number of women who are involved in active politics to a significant minimum; say 30 or 40 per cent. This system does not apply to only elective positions but also appointive positions such as members of committees and boards. The use of this system in political representation therefore constitutes all fields in politics (Kiplagat, 2008, p.52-78). The quota system does not discriminate but help women overcome the barrier that prevent them from engaging in active politics. Women entry into politics is faced with several challenges such as the perception that the society has towards them, their lack of aggressiveness that is required in politics among other barriers. The introduction of quota system, which sets aside a certain percentage of political positions for women, eliminates all the barriers that women face in competing with men; therefore, providing women with an opportunity to compete among themselves equally. In Kenya, the positions of women representative from all the 47 counties derive their legitimacy from the constitution; these positions are only open to women candidates (AfriMAP, OSIEA & OSMP, nd, 3). In addition, the constitution also provides for nomination of women and other marginalised groups into the national and the county assemblies (Mutunga & Mazrui, 2004, p. 308-417). The right to equal representation of women in politics is no different from that of men and the quota system helps in achieving that equal representation. Most of the representatives in the political arena are usually men; therefore, most of the issues that they discuss are likely to favour men, which deny women the chance to air their opinions in legislation. The quota system has increased the number of women in political seats and consequently increased their bargaining

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Report - Coursework Example This structure is useful to some extent as innovative employees are given the freedom to create new technologies and experiment with them sans any fear of failure. However, this structure also runs the risk of having no leadership in times of crisis, thus harming risk management. In addition, motivation at the company suffers as a result of this organizational structure (Edidin, 2011: p42). Valve does not have visionary leadership that can articulate the company vision to employees, instead relying on their employee handbook to orient and direct employees. Valve also faces potential problems with mentoring employees because of its organizational culture. This report will seek to conduct a case study of Valve Corporation with regards to its organizational structure and motivation of employees. Valve Corporation’s organizational structure and architecture are flat in nature with no managers to manage the more than 300 employees. One of the most interesting aspects of Valve Corporation’s organizational structure is its flat and organic nature. The organic theory of organizational structure posits that an organization’s organic structure is directly linked to a flat structure (Takahara & Mesarovic, 2012: p22). Because there are no managers in the company or management levels for that matter, the employees can communicate more easily with one another, while they also have the power to make decisions. In addition, the organic theory holds that business processes are not formalized, which can be evidenced at Valve Corporation that has no fixed description for employee positions. It is the employees who elect the groups and jobs they would want to work in for a particular period of time. The job descriptions are created by the employees according to the spec ific goals of a project, of which the job descriptions are, therefore, temporary and hold only until the project is completed. This means that there is flexibility in job description within the organization

Monday, August 26, 2019

Tokyo vs Bangkok Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tokyo vs Bangkok - Essay Example Bangkok and Tokyo are about 3000 miles apart and similar yet different in many ways. They both have rivers passing through them and both lie close to bays and are both very rich as far as culture is concerned. Economically, Tokyo is superior to Thailand and had a higher cost of living too. Bangkok however, has a more metropolitan look than Tokyo since it has allowed many immigrants to live and work within the city. Tokyo has very tighter immigration laws and foreigners hold virtually no special rights in Tokyo. There is more of intercultural mixing in Bangkok. Bangkok is located in the very central part of Thailand and this makes it a natural hub between the southern and northern Thailand. Bangkok’s location around the Chao Phraya delta has earned it the title of being Asia’s Rice bowl. This is because the river creates a fertile valley in which a lot of rice is grown and mostly exported. Bangkok’s position near a bay has enabled it host Thailand’s main international port. The city lies approximately six and a half feet above sea level, and this works as a disadvantage to the city whenever the season of monsoon rains begin. The rains cause River Chao Phraya to burst its banks and massively flood the city. The city’s climate is hot and warm almost all year round and this is probably why it is so popular with tourism. It has even been labeled to be the hottest city in the world. According to Mansfield, Tokyo occupies a huge swath of sedimentary deposits of the Kanto Plain which is in Honshu, the most populo us and largest island in Japan. The city is situated on the coast of the eastern Pacific and its main features are the flatlands to its east, undulating hills to its west and the Sumida River.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

History Discussion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

History Discussion - Research Paper Example Rule by a central government is seen to be effective as it will give the nation great power in making crucial decision such as going to war or how government finances should be distributed. This is seen due to the fact that there are less bureaucratic processes in dealing with when dealing with a centralized government than when dealing with a devolved government. Ratification of this constitution across all states is seen to be important as this will greatly increase the geographical size of the nation and also encourage the joining of new states. Having a large nation in terms of geographical size is seen to be important as these increases the quantity resources available in the country (Maier.1998). This will also increase the variety of resources which are available in the country as a resource not found in a particular state can be found in another. The availability of a wide range of resources is bound to affect the economic growth of the nation positively in that this will enable the production of a wide range of goods. This will lead to the steady rise in the economy of the country with the nation likely to be able to produce all goods needed by its citizens. Moreover, the ability to produce excess goods will be important as this will encourage trade with other countries thus resulting in further economic growth within the nation. The ratification of this constitution will thus spur fast economic growth across the country. Ratification of the constitution will also be helpful in ensuring the equal growth of all areas across the nation will give the central government an opportunity to be able to help out the states which cannot grow fast enough due to lack of resources. The ratification of this constitution is thus bound to increase national loyalty and change the way Americans think of each other. This will encourage citizens to view each other as brothers’ thus encouraging people to look for opportunities beyond

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing to Hispanic Americans Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing to Hispanic Americans - Research Paper Example Companies and business firms that use specific Hispanic business models to target Hispanic consumer are likely to become successful in the highly volatile and competitive business world.   Marketing to Hispanics should take the aspect of ethnicity into consideration because ethnicity is important to all minorities for the purpose of identity. 67% of Hispanics suggest that ethnicity is an important element of their identity. Furthermore, 78% of them suggest that they are proud of their ethnic identity (Yahoo, n.d.). Ethnicity determines the individuality, faith, values, views on gender roles, and consumption behaviors and attitudes of the Hispanics. This makes the aspect of ethnicity even more significant in marketing to Hispanics. Drivers of ethnicity for Hispanics in America include political views, speech and dialect, reunions, family, gatherings, eating habits and preferences, and home dà ©cor. Hispanic reactions to news content are often motivated by ethnicity. For instance, ethnicity influences the choices of Hispanic Americans regarding fashion and style, beauty, finance, entertainment, food, and restaurants. The shopping content of Hispanic Americans is als o influenced by ethnicity.   Hispanic Americans may be classified into first and second generations. For both first and second generation Hispanic Americans, ethnicity is an important aspect their present and past. However, first generations Hispanics are connected with their ethnicity more strongly than second-generation Hispanics. First generation Hispanics are ethnically influenced by their Spanish shopping content, but second-generation Hispanics are not much influenced by their ethnic Spanish shopping content (Valdà ©s, 2000). Both first and second generation Hispanics are greatly influenced by how news media and marketing campaigns in the media cover them.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Requirements for the Front-Desk Services in JW Marriott Hotel Essay

Requirements for the Front-Desk Services in JW Marriott Hotel - Essay Example The report intends to understand the service design procedure along with service design specification for the new technology. Service design is based on developing services for visitors, which is simple to use. It covers the activities, decisions, and responsibilities of employees. Service design is also concerned with providing value to the visitors and to guaranty that they obtain satisfactory experiences with the desired outcomes. In this research, the service design procedure has been used in order to develop the front-desk service of JW Marriott. Furthermore, the idea of introducing electronic pad for better guest services has also been described in the research based on the vision that the introduction of new technology can assist in customizing the specific requirements of visitors. Thus, it will help the front-desk employees to conduct various activities effectively such as reserving a table in proper time or delivering cleaning services as well as managing check-ins and chec kouts of guests among others in a time-efficient and error-free manner. Furthermore, the new technology is also aimed to attract guests to observe the facilities of JW Marriott. In order to make the report, the qualitative method has been followed. To be noted in this regard, the reason for using qualitative method is to gain complex understanding about service element required for JW Marriott when integrating the electronic pad system to enhance error-free and time efficient communication system of its various departments with the front-desk service providers. Furthermore, the qualitative method can also be stated as most suitable for the report, as the information regarding JIT cannot be obtained well through quantitative techniques. Secondary sources have been used accordingly, in order to collect information through desk research. The secondary data provided rich sources of information for understanding the subject requirements and thereby, ensuring quality and validity of the r esearch findings. Data from various organizations involved in the implementation of the JIT system has also been used for collecting information in this study. Furthermore, in order to make the report reliable, only journals, books, academic sources and other credible sources have been used. Evidently, such sources have provided valuable information about service improvement through JIT.

Lesson plane(cave) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Lesson plane(cave) - Assignment Example 2. Show some graphics / images of caves while explaining its formation and characteristics. Encourage students to justify whether historical accounts about cave dwellers and its practice, i.e. cannibalism were truth or just hearsays. 3. Tell the class some interesting facts on caves like the Russell Cave in Alabama, USA which yielded a sequence of human habitation dating back almost 9,000 years (â€Å"Cave,† 1995) and used to be a place for cannibalism and religious activities. 1. There will be flashcard posted on the board containing 2 – 3 types of caves discussed (i.e. primary cave, fracture cave, glacier cave). Each student will be given a flashcard containing a word, term or an adjective that relates to the types of caves posted on the board. 2. As per instruction, each student should post his or her own flashcard to its corresponding cave in the board (i.e. a student was given a flashcard containing the word â€Å"LIMESTONE† and this should be posted under SOLUTIONAL CAVE. The entire class must accomplish the task in 2 minutes. 3. If there are incongruent terms or there is/are mismatch, the teacher will perform a draw lots and will pick 3 names to re-arrange or organize the terms / description of his assigned cave type. Each has its assigned cave 2. As an instruction, they have to illustrate how we, humans could help to preserve cave structure and its ecosystem, either by drawing or by creating a collage (students must be informed ahead of time that they must bring used magazine, news papers, scratch papers). Each group must have 2 representatives to briefly summarize and discuss the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Becoming a Police Officer Essay Example for Free

Becoming a Police Officer Essay Although being a police officer can be stressful, it can also be highly rewarding if public service is important to you. (Kara, 1999) When becoming a Police Officer, you are making a commitment to protect your community even if it means giving your life to do it. Despite what some people may think every police officer does their job they way they do it to make sure that your families are safe every night. Just like any job out there now a days you have to have an education. To be a police officer most places are now requiring a two degree. Going beyond a two year degree usually leaves you the opportunity to progress in your field of choice allowing for more job options. Being a Police Officer means that you have to first meet the requirements set forth by the department with which you are applying, have the unique set of skills to do your job efficiently, and you have to have the willingness to further your education to go further in your career. To be successful as a Police Officer there are some characteristics that you need. Some of these characteristics include having a level head, being able to think quickly on your feet, and have the ability to work well under pressure. You have to be able to work well with little to no supervision. This is a skill you need when working undercover and in the field. It is also important that you have self-confidence, and confidence in your ability to make decisions and take the lead in what could be a risky situation. Leadership skills are also important because the people of the community look to you to be able to solve issues and crime related issues. Having the capabilities to be a leader comes very important in the job as an officer. The whole community depends upon your ability to be a leader in their eyes. It’s highly important to have the ability to stay calm in highly stressful situations. If you are unable to stay calm in high pressure situations and emotional intense situations it will become hard for you to as an officer to function on a daily basis. Having patience (which can be difficult at times) and a good set of morals are also important skills an officer must have. An officer must be able to handle situations with patience and good communication skills. These come very handy while interviewing a suspect or even dealing with issues in the community. Having a good set of morals are important because as an officer of the law you must set the example and follow the laws yourself and not believe that you can get away with everything because you are above the law, because you are not. You are an enforcer of the law, so to enforce the law upon others you must also obey the laws yourself. You also should have a good sense of right and wrong to be able to encourage good behavi or to the public. The basic requirements to be a police officer are usually about the same, because most follow the civil service regulations when hiring officers. These requirements would include: Being a United States citizen, you have to be at least twenty-one years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent education, possess a valid driver’s license, and have no prior convictions. Now these are just the basics, most departments generally have more requirements, for example a lot of departments now require that you have at least an associate’s degree in criminal justice. Before you can begin working in a department as an officer you are generally required to attend a police academy which you must complete and pass to be qualified as a Police Officer. When you go through the police academy you are generally there from twelve to fourteen weeks, while there you must pass a physical fitness and written exam. While at the police academy educational wise, you will learn state ordinances and local laws, working with the public, constitutional laws, accident investigation, incident reporting, civil rights, mental preparation for hostility, and criminal psychology. Like most jobs you can learn all you want about a job but, you learn best by doing. Because police jobs are dangerous jobs they require specific training to succeed in the field. Work experience is done under the supervision of a training officer. The on the job training includes: using firearms, responding to emergencies, controlling traffic, CPR and first-aid, self-defense techniques, apprehension techniques, risk assessment, and role playing. All training is essential to be the best you can be at being an officer. All the training that is endured is important for you to be the person the community needs you to be. There are several opportunities for advancement in law enforcement. The police force ranking is clearly structured and goes as followed: Police constable, sergeant, inspector, chief inspector, superintendent, chief superintendent, assistant chief constable, deputy chief constable, and chief constable. Police constables have to complete a two year probationary period before they can be eligible for higher ranking. When the probationary period is over police constables are then able to apply for specialist units such as the fraud squad, fire arms, drug squad, child protection, criminal investigation department (CID) traffic, mounted branches, dog handlers, and underwater search units. Becoming a police officer is a process; you are tested physically and mentally. Being a police officer is an important job because those people are there for you, your family, and the community. Not only is education a requirement to being a police officer, but furthering that education will open up more opportunities in that field. To be a police officer it takes a number of skills to be the best you can be at your job. References AGCAS. (2012, January). Police officer career development. Retrieved from Education Portal. (2003). Police officer: Educational requirements for police officers. Retrieved from What type of person can succeed in law enforcement. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Stimuli Sensitive Polymers Types and Applications

Stimuli Sensitive Polymers Types and Applications The stimuli sensitive polymers have proved its applicability in forming hydro-gels [1], drug delivery[2] and target specificity[3]. Some stimuli sensitive polymers occur in nature likeeg, chitosan, cellulose, xyloglucan and many of them are routinely synthesized like, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) and co-polymers of PNIPAAm[4]. Nature has designed complex structures in response to various external stimuli. For example, the nano-composite structure of collagen fibrils in sea cucumber alters stiffness of its inner dermis[5]. This alteration of connective tissue is reversible, which acts as a defense mechanism[6, 7]. Capadona etal.,synthesized a chemo-responsive polymeric nano-composite structure, which mimics the response of collagen fibrils when exposed to similar physiological conditions. This polymeric nano-composite is based on ethylene oxide-epichlorohydrin copolymer on to which rigid nanofiber network of cellulose was assimilated [8]. Structure of cellulose whiskers, ethylene oxide-epichlorohydrin and polyvinyl acetate matrix polymer. Cellulose whiskers was isolated from tunicate cellulose pulp by sulfuric acid hydrolysis[9].Study of nanocompositeisbased on a rubber like ethylene oxide–epichlorohydrin (1:1) copolymer (EO-EPI) into which arigid cellulose nanofiber network was assimilated [9]. Naturally derived stimuli sensitive polymers have inherent properties like biocompatibility, efficient degradation of byproducts and specific biological interactions, these polymers have limitations like limited availability, batch to batch variation resulting in composition, poor mechanical strength as compared to synthetic stimuli sensitive polymers. Naturally derived stimuli sensitive polymers like chitosan, a polysaccharide, which is not stimuli sensitive but could be made stimuli sensitive by mixing with glycerophosphate, other examples are cellulose derivatives like methyl cellulose, hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose[10]. A list of naturally derived stimuli sensitive polymers along with chemical structures is mention in table 1. 1.1 Stimuli responsive polymers Synthetic polymers have proved there applicability as therapeutic agent in drug delivery. These polymers showbetter pharmacokinetic property with greater ability for tissue targeting. The synthetic polymershows response when stimulated by external stimuli hence, they are called smart polymer or stimuli responsive polymer [15]. The stimuli-responsive polymer works on the principle of identification, evaluation of external signal and then by changing its structural conformation[16].These stimuli are classified as physical (temperature, light, electrical field), chemical (pH,ion, redox)[17], and biological responses.This results in change in a conformation, alteration in partition coefficient or solubility, drug release or more than one change at same time[18]. Physical responsive polymers Some polymers respond to physical stimuli like temperature, light, electrical field, magnetic field,etc.Polymers which become insoluble on heating, have lower critical solution temperature (LCST) like, PNIPAM [19], and those which become soluble on heating have upper critical solution temperature (UCST) like, poly (2-phenyl-2-oxazoline) (PPhOx) [20]. Temperature sensitive polymers Thermo-responsive polymers utilize small changein temperature to cause macroscopic alteration in polymer material [21]. Various types of thermo-responsive fluorescent polymers like a) PNIPAAmb) PNIPAAm-fluorescent labeled c)PNIPAAm-co-butyl methacrylate-fluorescent labeled, a hydrophobic co-polymer butyl methacrylate (BMA) was used to lower LCST to a precise temperature d) PNIPAAm-co-DMAPAAm-fluorescent labeled] (Figure. 2), N,N-dimethylaminopropylacrylamide(DMAPAAm) causes increase in LCST throughhydrophilization of polymeric chain,where synthesized, which shows thermo selective cellular uptake, enables determination of normal and pathological cell[21]. Light sensitive polymers The light sensitive polymers undergo photochromism, in which, an reversible chemical transformation occurs between two isomeric forms of same structure after absorption of light[22]. Absorption of light leads to photochromism which results alteration in absorption spectra[23]. Pericyclic reaction, dissociation process, cis-trans isomerization, electron transfer(oxidation-reduction) and intramolecular hydrogen transfer or group transfer are the mechanisms involved in it[24]. A reversible contraction and expansions in shape and volumes of photochromic light crystal elastomers (LCE) in response to light stimulation.These LCE filmscontainpoly(siloxane) as main chain and cross-linkedchromo-thermicazobenzene, this film was placed on solid support, which helps maintaining temperature to 85Â °c. 1.1.2 Chemical responsive polymers Polymer which exhibits change in configuration or which responds to chemical stimuli like pH, ion and other stimuli are known as chemical responsive polymers like, poly(methylacrylate)[25]. pH responsive polymers pH responsive polymers contain pendant reactive groups which when are cross-linked with other polymer forming hydrogel shows response to stimulus like pH [25]. In recent years, muchwork has been exploredon co-polymerization of pH and temperature sensitive monomers[17, 26]. Graft co-polymers were synthesized to show temperature and pH sensitivity. A side chain temperature sensitive polymer (Figure 4.), the amino terminal ofNIPAAm was graftedon a carboxyl group of pH sensitive backbone polymer, like poly(acetic acid) (PAAc), in the presence of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) and methanol byusing coupling method[26]. Stimuli sensitive polymer-dye conjugation Dyes or indicatorsare used to sense or react to particular stimuli like pH and temperature [27]. Some indicator changes color in H+ and OH ion solution due to which they are use as pH sensitive dyes and those which changes color by deflection in temperature are use as temperature sensitive dyes [27]. A list of thermo-chromic polymer-dye conjugations are shown in table 2. The novel chromogenic polymer gel network was synthesized by mixing poly(alkoxy) derivative with bromothymol blue, which yields transparent green gel (Figure 5.), at 33Â °c, green gel turns intolight yellow gel with gradual increase in temperature[29]. In table 2, list of different chromogenic polymer gel networks arementioned.Poly(alkoxy) gel network was used to form complex with other dyes like, nitrazin yellow, where, color of gel network changes from blue to green. Similarly, for chlorophenol red, where color changes from red to yellow PVA-borax-cresol, phenol substituted dye (cresol) was conjugated with PVA-borax complex to obtain thermochromic hydrogel. Other example, PVA-borax-2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinio)phenolate (DTPP) forms reversible thermochromic hydrogel. Such system shows color change and increase in absorption by a gradual increase of temperature. The absorption spectrum of DTPP explains dependency of absorbance on temperature causes bathochromic shift of absorption maximum [28]. InBorax-PVA-DTPP network,DTPP was embedded in PVA-borax gel matrix, boric acid is cross linked to PVA polymer that is, borate ions reacts with hydroxyl group present on PVA to form monodiol-borate complex and didiol-borate complex [30]. Another example of gel containing dye composed of two polymers (PVA and polyether) includes addition of zwitterionicsurfactant, which is a dipolar surfactant,was selected to avoid strong ionic interaction with anionic dye. This surfactant, like, sulfobetain forms aggregates above its critical micelle concentration therefore, it can influence U.V-absorption spectra of a water soluble dye like phenol red as shown in [31]. The dye can also be conjugated with dendrimer to enhance imaging applications and for metal ion probing[32]. For example, generation 5 poly(amidoamine) [G5(PAMAM)] dendrimercontaining 128 surface sites which can incorporate 0 to7 dyes like, 6-carboxytetramethylrhodamine succinimdyl ester (TAMRA), fluorescein. Acetylation yields complete conjugate of dendrimer and dye [33]. nano sized stimuli sensitive polymers have been proved to show response to external signaling [34]. pH sensitive system was prepared by the combination of two modified pH sensitive indicator dyes like, N-fluoresceinylacrylamide (FA), and N-acrylamide-NÂ ´-rhodamine B thiourea (Rh B) (Figure. 11).These two functional monomeric dyes were copolymerized with acrylamide and methylenebis(acrylamide) in w/o micro-emulsion to form dye conjugated poly(acrylamide nanoparticles [35]. Synthesis ofN-fluoresceinylacrylamide- N-acrylamide-Nˈ-rhodamine B thiourea (FA-Rh B)copolymerized nanoparticles. The two functional monomeric dyes FA and Rh Bwere co-polymerized with acrylamide and methylenebis acrylamide in w/o micro-emulsion [35]. Fluorescence emission spectra of polyacrylamide nanoparticle conjugated with fluorescein and rhodamine dye. The fluorescence emission intensity of Rh B remains unchanged with increasing pH whereas that of FA increases. An amine functionalized RAFT co-polymer poly {N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide-bN-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl] methacrylate} {poly (HPMA258b-DMAPMA13)} was labeled by fluorescent dye like, 6-(fluorescein-5-carboxamido)hexanoic acid, succinimidyl ester (5-SFX) using anhydrous DMF along with triethanolamine which catalysis the reaction [36]. The primary amine of poly(HPMA258-b-DMAPMA13) is more reactive than tertiary thiol group this allows conjugation of 5-SFX with poly(HPMA258-b-DMAPMA13Â ­). ÃŽ ²-cyclodextrinis cyclic oligosaccharide [37], which has been proved for large number of applications like, increasing solubility [38], detection of compounds [39], immobilization of toxic compounds [40], drug release [41] etc. Some dyes were conjugated in complexing agent like an azo dye inside ÃŽ ²-cyclodextrincavity.Azo dye like methyl red indicator shows color change from yellow to red as pH decreases, this is because of the protonation of azo group (Figure 14.). Methyl red (MR) shows yellow color when complexes with ÃŽ ²-CD even in acidic pH 4.The complex was formed in dimethylacetoamide by using an condensing agent like, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, it becomes useful in detection of neutral species which will act as guest inside MR-ÃŽ ²-CD complex and will replace MR, which changes its color to red [42]. Role of polymer-dye conjugation in cellular uptake Cellular uptake consist of endocytosis process in which extracellular compounds are captured by plasma membrane forming vesicles. Along with endocytosis there are other methods like, receptor mediated pathway, phagocytosis and micro-pinocytosis[43]. The plasma membrane of a eukaryotic cell has a barrier which allows small and uncharged molecules to pass through it[44].The nano sized polymers, despiteplasma membrane barrier, can irreversibly interact with lipid membraneby insertion of dangling side chains into the hydrophobic region of cell, which can be explained by molecular dynamics[45].Polymer like 2-methcryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) was copolymerized with n-butyl methacrylate (BMA) forming poly(MPC-co-BMA)[46],thecovalentlylabeledrhodamine Btopoly(MPC-co-BMA) (rhoPMB)was synthesized using free radical polymerization method with perbutyl-ND as an initiator.RhoPMB30 was distributed inside live HepG2 cell (a human hepatocellular liver carcinoma cell line). Natural polymer is applicable in biomedical, environmental science and agricultural field like, hydrophobically modified glycol chitosan (HGC) that can form stable nanoparticles. HGC shows prolonged blood circulation period when the particle size is controlled. It accumulates selectively inside tumor cell when administered systemically [47] and applicable in delivering various therapeutic agents like, peptides, genes and small anticancer drugs [43]. The polymer conjugate probes are applicable for penetration inside the membrane of tumor cell for treatment[48], detection[49] or diagnosis[50, 51]. Further study for the conjugation ofpolymer and pH sensitive dye to form a reusable system which will sense or exhibit color change at different pH ranges.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Multimedia Applications

Multimedia Applications MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS 1.0 THE PROJECT OVERVIEW v Develop an interactive animated movie that contains specified title and story. You are given the freedom of choosing the titles specified in Section 4.0. The focus of this multimedia application is to help the general public to be aware or to be educated about the current issue, or fields of interest you have chosen. The animated movie that you are yet to develop is to be used as an informative or educational tool. The scope and contents of the title chosen are to be entirely determined by the students. 2.0 OBJECTIVES OF THIS PROJECT: v Develop the students practical ability to implement and document multimedia application. v Introduce student to the current technical issues in the area of multimedia. 3.0 LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this project, the students should be able to: Ø Develop multimedia presentation relating to a specific topic using the multimedia tools. Ø Distinguish the difference between effective and ineffective use of multimedia. Ø Have an impressive portfolio piece, and a thorough understanding of multimedia fundamentals. 4.0 PROJECT TITLE: v List of project topics for you to choose are as follows: Title Albert Einstein Stephen Hawking The life of DaVincci President Lincoln President Kennedy President George Washington Thomas Edinson Apollo 13 Political system in any country French Revolution Greatest Invention in Malaysia Prime Minister in any country Robot Terrorism Richest man in the world About the great artist, Picasso Russian Revolution Story about police Van Gogh Micheal Angelo Queen Elizabeth of England Human cloning Any Fairy Tales The greatest artists in Malaysia William Shakespeare Nielson Mandela Story about diamond The greatest literature of England Story about firemen Story about FBI Living beings in the sea Living beings in the desert Great Philosopher in the world 5.0 TYPE: v Individual work 6.0 REGISTRATION v You need to register the chosen titles with your lecturer, and get these approved. A proposal form of the project chosen is to be handed to me three weeks from today (submit on or before 18th October 2009; Total number of pages: half page) 7.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION v Your application must have significant use of the following elements so that you get some practice with them: Element 1 Text and animated text 2 Graphic 3 Audio 4 Animation v All elements mentioned above might not be able to be covered in lecture before the submission due date, therefore you must learn yourself first so that you can apply them on your application. No doubt there will be further clarifications as the days progress! 8.0 DELIVERABLES: v The documents (project report in printed form; Assignment 1) and Multimedia Application (animated movie) in the form of a CD-ROM (assignment 2). 8.1 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATION IN CD FORM: v The completed animated movie must be compiled into an (*.exe) executable file and burned into a CD-ROM. Do not submit some other format like *.html, *.dir, etc. v The CD-ROM should also consist of raw media files (e.g. *.jpg, *.gif, *.psd, .mov etc.) and all Flash working files (*.fla). v The running time of your movie should not less than 1 minutes 8.2 DOCUMENTS: PROJECT REPORT v As part of your assessment, you will have to submit the project report in printed form which include the followings: * Table of contents * Acknowledgement Section * Objectives of your animated movie * Targeted users background * Targeted users requirements * Concepts art and character design * Abstract * Application structure * Storyboard * Creative and unique features in your movie * References (Use Harvard Naming Convention; Refer notes below) Note: v You may source pictures and information from the Internet. If you have accessed the Internet, reference the resources used carefully in your document. v All references must be made using the Harvard Naming Convention as shown below: The theory was first propounded in 1970 (Larsen, A.E. 1971), but since then has been refuted; M.K. Larsen (1983) is among those most energetic in their opposition†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. List of references at the end of your document must be specified in the following format: Larsen, A.E. 1971, A Guide to the Aquatic Science Literature, McGraw-Hill, London. Larsen, M.K. 1983, British Medical Journal (Online), Available World Wide Web: URL: (Accessed 19 November 1995) Further information on other type of citation is available in Li, X. and Crane (1993), Electronic Style: A Guide to Citing Electronic Information, Meckler, Westport. v Total number of pages for the documents is in the range of 20 to 40 pages 9.0 PROJECT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA v Criteria for assessment will be based on: Ø Documentation (Assignment 1): Criteria Marks Allocated 1 Objectives 10 2 Target users background and their requirements 20 3 Concepts Art and character design 20 4 Storyboard (Inclusive of abstract, application structure and layout of application) 30 5 Creative and unique features in your movie 15 6 Originality (Reflected from Referencing of materials and Summary of what you have created or what effects have you made on multimedia elements) 5 Total 100 Ø Implementation (Assignment 2): Criteria Marks Allocated 1 Title and content: * Implementation suitable for intended audience? * Interesting? * Unique? * Clear? * Originality 5 2 Level of originality and innovation of graphics: * Amount of graphics self developed * Amount of graphics extracted directly from external source. * Amount of graphics extracted from external source and further innovated (like adding special effects added on the graphics) * Graphics quality * Quality of effects and innovation 20 3 Animations: * Amount of animations self developed * Amount of animations extracted directly from external source. * Amount of animations extracted from external source and further innovated (like adding special effects added on the graphics) * Depth and quality of animations 20 4 Sound: * Sound effect used? * Voice recorded? * Music used? * Sound quality 20 5 Technicality: * Level of interactivity (full interactivity? Or merely click and display) * Special Effects done on the system * Use of ActionScripts (ActionScript is strongly encouraged to use. If you have done so, remember to put the full script in your document. However, absent of ActionScript will not deduct your marks) * Full screen? * Able to run smoothly? 20 6 System development (compliant with the documents e.g. storyboard submitted earlier) 5 7 Presentation: * Professional style * Good use of language * Capability in answering questions addressed by lecturer * Proper referencing and citations. 10 Total 100% v Documentation contributes 40% and Implementation contributes 60% of the overall marks. 10.0 FRONT COVER OF PROJECT: v All reports must be prepared with a front cover. A protective transparent plastic sheet can be placed in front of the report to protect the front cover. The front cover should be presented with the following details: a) Names. b) Intake code. c) Subject. d) Project Title. e) Date Assigned (the date the report was handed out). f) Date Completed (the date the report is due to be handed in). 11.0 PLANNING: v You are advised to analyse your audience and survey the existing materials before starting out. Then, brainstorm, flowchart your ideas to see the general flow and finally, develop. Planning saves you a tot of heartache and headache later on. 12.0 MULTIMEDIA TOOLS v You have the options of developing the multimedia application using one of the following multimedia tools for your project: Element Tools 1 Text and animated text Win Word, Notepad 2 Graphic Editing Photoshop 3 Audio Any Sound editing tools like Audacity 4 Video (Optional) Windows Movie Maker 5 Animation Macromedia Suite (Flash, Director) 13.0 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY v You are expected to maintain the utmost level of academic integrity during the duration of the course. v Plagiarism is a serious offence and will be dealt with according to APIITs regulations on plagiarism. 7 Multimedia Applications in-course assessment handout

Monday, August 19, 2019

Mentally Ill People :: essays research papers fc

Mentally Ill People People who are mentally ill and have committed a crime should not be court ordered to take medications. One reason why they shouldn’t is because of the side effects this medicine may cause. The second reason is because they might end up becoming addicted to this medicine. And the third reason is because taking the medication do not solve the reason why this person committed the crime it just sedates the person but the illness is still there. Nowadays over a 100 million people are taking a tranquilizer. One of the most common tranquilizers that are being used is Valium. Valium is the most profitable drug in history and it is used to treat anxiety. People taking Valium are about five and nine times more likely to get involved in accidents at work. Some of the side effects Valium cause are apathy, low blood pressure, lack of coordination, impaired intellectual functioning, loss of weight and it has also been related to violent outbursts. Valium is the most abused drug in the United States. Also the Drug Enforcement Administration has reported that people taking Valium are more often involved in drug related deaths and emergencies than heroin, marijuana or alcohol put together. Long-term use may cause atrophy of the brain. Also of 19.000 live births in the US found that birth defects were five times higher in babies whose mothers have been taking this medicine. After fifteen minutes of taking Valium people feel calm, relieved and secure but between doses they become fidgety. Taking Valium or court order someone to take Valium is not helping the individual who instead of talking out his/her problems and expressing his/her feelings these are just being repressed or ignored. After a while these individuals become addicted and end up with more troubles than the ones they had before taking anything. Mental illness was once considered to be a personal failing but now scientists know that is just a chemical imbalance. It is also known that stress and other factors may contribute to a person’s mental illness. Also it is proved that when people with mentally illness are more willing to cooperate if they are not forced into getting treatment.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Memory and History in the Works of Michael Ondaatje :: Biography Biographies Essays

Memory and History in the Works of Michael Ondaatje In the Canadian social context, the issue of identity can be a fraught one, and the question of what it means to be Canadian is notoriously sticky, particularly given the wide variety of social and cultural backgrounds claimed by Canadians and the heterogeneity of their own experiences. This paper deals with the ways in which the Canadian writer Michael Ondaatje works with issues of understanding and accessing memories and histories outside of one’s personal lived experience. Ondaatje’s The English Patient opens with an epigraph culled from the minutes of a Geographical Society meeting in London in the early nineteen-forties. It reads: â€Å"Most of you, I am sure, remember the tragic circumstances of the death of Geoffrey Clifton at Gilf Kebir, followed later by the disappearance of his wife, Katherine Clifton, which took place during the 1939 desert expedition in search of Zerzura. â€Å"I cannot begin this meeting tonight without referring very sympathetically to those tragic occurrences. ‘The lecture this evening†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The passage introduces a number of key themes in the text, and is worth dealing with at some length. The first issue I want to examine is the opening line. Memory is arguably the most important issue at play in this novel, and its positioning here draws attention to its recurring significance throughout the text. The context of its usage is of particular interest. A later passage notes the attitude of disinterested objectivity, of scientific detachment, that pervades the lectures’ setting, and the uneasiness of the speakers as they struggle to readjust to the urban and urbane environment. ‘Someone will introduce the talk’, it notes, ‘and someone will give thanks †¦ [t]he years of preparation and research and fund-raising are never mentioned in these oak rooms †¦ losses in extreme heat or windstorm are announced with minimal eulogy. All human and financial behaviour lies on the far side of the issue being discussed — which is the earthâ€℠¢s surface and its â€Å"interesting geographical problems†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (134). The tension between the impersonal detachment of the lecture’s atmosphere and the terminology in the epigraph is one that operates through much of Ondaatje’s work. That tension is in the text that holds together two opposing forces — personal, lived memory, and cultural memory. Susan Sontag, in her recent book Regarding the Pain of Others, makes the somewhat contentious claim that ‘there is no such thing as collective memory †¦ all memory is individual, unreproducible — it dies with each person.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Recognizing the Fireside Poets

Poetry characterized by its metrical form is one of the most well-liked forms of literature. It served as a creative expression of one’s thoughts and emotions. There are poems that became famous and had been preserved and past down through generations. The American poetry had established its own identity from British poetry by varying the rhythms, forms, diction and tone. During the 1600 the history of American poetry formally began. During that time poems were mostly written and based on the British language standard. First there are the Puritan and Satirical poets that dominated earlier the American literature.Later they were replaced by Revolutionary Era Poets and even African American poets. When the 19th century arrived there was optimism for major achievement in poetry. During this time the Fireside poet’s goals and works emerged and made significant impact in the world of American poetry. The Fireside poets later were recognized as the first group of American poe ts that had successfully competed British poets in terms of popularity. Fireside Poets: Goals and Works Who were these so called â€Å"Fireside poets† and why are they called in that name?The Fireside Poets are composed of five persons namely Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878), James Russell Lowell (1819-1891), Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894) and lastly John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892). They are given this title of Fireside Poets because most of them have used the image of the hearth or the fireplace where the family gathered together to read stories and learn their poems. The goal of the Fireside Poets is to create poems that were based on traditions but can also be of equal level in terms of quality, breadth and creativity of content to that of the British poetry.Their poems are highly notable for wisdom and flexibility in lines and themes. They preferred conventional forms over experimentation in poetic styles and had often used American legends, scenes of American life and even politics as themes in their poems. The careful attention given to rhymes or the strict metrical rhythm made their works popular for memorization and recitation activities in schools and even at homes. Among the five Fireside Poets the most popular then was Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. One of his well known compositions is the Song of Hiawatha. Aside from these he was also a well known translator in several languages.He became the first American to be honored with a bust at Westminster Abbey’s Poet Corner. Second to him was William Cullen Bryant who became famous for his work entitled Thanatopis, a poem that recognized death as the great equalizer of life. He worked as a lawyer and editor of New York Evening Post. Third is James Russell Lowell known for Biglow Papers, included among the American tradition of long satirical poems. Next one was Oliver Wendell Holmes a medical doctor that composed the poems Old Ironsides and The C hambered Nautilus. Lastly was John Greenleaf Whittier known for his poems Snow Bound and Legends of New England. ConclusionThe Fireside Poet’s greatest ambition was to be able to carve out their names, established their identity and be of equal to their British counterparts. Their poems have been a lasting legacy among the collections of American poetry. Although they are traditionalist they had been the first to made significant contributions in the area of American poetry. They have been able to use their poems to fight for a cause, portray the way of life or cultures, and share their imaginations and experiences to their readers. The Fireside Poets no longer exist but their compositions continue to live and inspire the new generation of poets.

Outline and assess the contribution of the social psychoanalytic perspective to the study of family relationships

Rooted in how family is defined are precepts about what is considered a social norm, or acceptable behaviour. It tells people what’s perceived as a family and what is not. Within the word family are individual inherited social, historical and cultural values. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a family as the servants of a house, or the household or everyone who lives in a house or under one head and finally as a â€Å"group of persons consisting of the parents and their children, whether actually living together or not†. The family evolves and changes as the society in which we live changes.Does the â€Å"traditional†, heterosexual family still exist as the norm? There has been a decline in marriage, increase in cohabitation and children born into single parent families. There has also been an increase in divorce, incline of compound families and recognition of same sex relationships, marriages and parenting. The multiplicity in human relationships makes it p roblematic for psychologists to define family or forecast patterns of behaviour. Individual-society dualism refers to one of the interrogative themes in social psychology.The challenge of how individuals and society are associated is both complex but also greatly controversial, as it forms the basis of many political thinking, values and viewpoints and the formation of social policies. Traditional psychological theories and research into the structure of families mainly focused on the realm of developmental psychology. Much research centred on mother-child interactions with few studies of father-child interactions (O’Brien 2005). Traditional research centred on the shortcomings and problems within the family structure, such as incest and eating disorders (Cawson et al., 2000) and looks for origins of breakdowns between members of the family.Traditional research viewed the individuals as being separate from society and unaffected by it or as over socialised beings and as such was found to be constrictive in its use. â€Å"Families and close personal relationships give us a vital framework through which we come to make sense of ourselves and the world† (Helen Lucey 2007 pg 66 cited in Social Psychology Matters). From birth the family generally is the main source of influence in the development of physical, social and emotional well being and as such is worthy of further research and debate.Recent perspectives such as the discursive and psychoanalytic perspective have gone a step further to take account of both individual and society and looks at how the individual is influenced by as well as from society such as culture and family history (Lucey, 2007 Open University, DVD 1). For the purpose of this essay the main focus will be on the dynamics of family relationships providing a critical evaluation of theory and research into close relationships specifically sibling relationships to demonstrate these complexities from a psychoanalytic point of view .The concept that our actions and interactions are relatively the creation of unreasonable and unconscious processes tackles previous psychological ideologies about qualities common to humanity. The majority of theories on families, as well as social policies and practices suppose that people are influenced by sound motives that they usually know what their behaviours are and motives for them and have power over their lives.In comparison psychoanalysis and the more recent social psychoanalytical theories or perspectives propose that conscious thought only ‘scratches the surface’ and is in the domain of extensive unconscious processes, by which the majority of our internalised self lives within, that addresses this notion of an unconscious tool effective in controlling unconscious anxiety, known as splitting, projection and projective identification. The psychoanalytic perspective can be viewed as responding to the need of a more holistic explanation of families and deve lopment of self. Previously siblings were marginalised.When we look and Freud’s theory for example they were only noticed in negative scenarios, murderous rivalry and jealousy. The focus would be on the evolving of individual subjectivity and the psyche and now psychoanalytic theorists are beginning to view siblings as internalised individuals in children’s lives (Lucey 2007) Some of the approaches fundamentals tend to overlap with approaches such as discursive and phenomenological perspectives, but differentiates from these schools of thought in psychology and theories of social sciences by its underlying notions of a powerful subjective conscious and unconscious.As a result, research into the family from a social psychoanalytic approach may well transcend the individual-society dualism. In direct opposite to the discursive approach the psychoanalytical approach views the family structure/makeup as changeable and influenced by society, parents, individuals and culture . People’s behaviours are not viewed as existing in isolation or as separate entities, but must be viewed as part of and within the wider cultural economic and social world, which influences, effects and guides individual’s behaviours and as a result has different outcomes for relationships.Lucey 2007 argues that siblings are unique individuals who have in common their genetic makeup and share a majority of social aspects with each other and as such could provide a window into the fundamentals of close relationships. The psychoanalytic approach takes the stance that older siblings are just as important in the development of self as the parents. Siblings evolve into role models (ego-ideals) in which they establish their superego from perceived behaviours (Mitchell 2003).Society’s social order dictates an individual’s choice which is clearly evidenced in Edward and Lucey’s 2006 research which followed five Bangladeshi sisters living in the United Kin gdom. Azra who is the eldest sibling is clearly shown to be regarded as a role model to her younger sisters and an example of how they should behave and the choices they should make in terms of how they live their lives in order to obtain the ‘respect’ and acceptance within the cultural community to which they belong.The theme of individual-society dualism is displayed as the girls in the research have autonomy to make specific choices in their lives. However this is within the constraints of the Muslim cultural structures. Habiba the second eldest feels pressured to study hard to achieve the success expected and avoid letting her sister down. The unconscious introjection and projection of Azra's perceived purity, goodness and conforming behaviour. Azra’s persona acted as a guide for the sisters behaviour and accomplishments.The notion of her reproof or displeasure in their failure in anyway is evidently important and ensues in splitting, dividing the good from t he bad, and the agreeable and un-agreeable. The individual-society dualism is reflective in the girl’s social surroundings and the relation between culture, community and social factors. ` Sabina, the third eldest sister doesn’t view herself as an individual but refers to her reputation as ‘a family’. Her personal identity is viewed as the family as a whole.Asian cultures like theirs are guided by ethical and moral principles within the close knit communities they live with strict cultural values and seek approval from each other and as such the need to achieve acceptance is very great (Heinnink 1999). It is clear that the five sister’s choices are restricted by the unconscious self and social influences. The girls however do take an operative role in the creating of their identity on an individual level, as family and as members of their community.There is an assumed existence of defences such as projection to help resolve any anxieties or conflict experienced Thomas Ogden (1982). In the social psychoanalytic approach anxiety is viewed as unavoidable and ‘normal’ and core to the evolvement of an individual’s personality (Freud 1936). It is important to note the idea of agency and how much choice an individual exerts and how much is governed by the structures, groups and cultures to which individuals belong within society.For example during an individual’s school years they have no control over which school they attend this is governed by societal structures and parental choice to a limited degree and friends are usually chosen from the class the individual is affiliated to, referred to as propinquity effect (Bersheid and Reis 1988). Therefore proximity, teacher and school dictate which group you will belong and therefore choice of friendships formed. So how much is based on individual choice and how much is dictated by the society, group psychic processes.However the propinquity effect doesn’ t fully explain about interpersonal attraction or why we become friends and other factors must influence our choice such as culture, values and interests for example. Further research is required to highlight features of close relationships. The social psychoanalytic perspectives in the study of families and research into sibling relationships put forward a viable means of comprehending family dynamics and the implications of individual as agency and the influence of social forces such as attachments, race, culture and social and how these forces shape the family and relationships within it.The psychoanalytic research into siblings highlights how the inner psyche and social life are intertwined, and how the older sibling can become part of ‘critical inner voice’ that siblings will use as a measure for their own desire and impulses (Lucey DD307 Guide). In conclusion therefore the writer is inclined to support and agree with the psychoanalytical perspective and accept tha t it is important to take account of a multitude of interacting factors such as individual, historical, cultural and social contributions to the study of the family.Close relationships are formed as a result of the individual as well as social world to which they belong. The problems in the definition of the family highlights the need for a more complete understanding linking theories in social psychology and possibly sociological social psychology which studies societal processes and individuals within the culture and structures in which they live and psychological social psychology which addresses the role of the family and child development during early socialisation.If social psychology is to effect change in political thinking and social policies which are important especially in the field of social work if working practices are to change, further research needs to be undertaken, due to the fact that sibling relationships are the longest lasting that the majority of individuals will experience. Longitudinal studies into sibling relationships could provide further information into how family dynamics change over time, providing possible models of studying other forms of close relationships.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Japanese History Essay

The Taisho era, which occurred from 1912 to 1926, is part of Japan’s history. This era was regarded as the period of great righteousness. Emperor Taisho reigned during this time. This time was also considered as democratic compared to other eras after it which were characterized as chaotic and military- oriented. During the Taisho Period the new emperor’s health weakened. This prompted the shift of authority from the old oligarchic, which was ruled by â€Å"elder statesmen†, to the Diet, which was composed of democratic parties. This is why during this era, liberal movement which is knowned as the â€Å"Taisho Democracy† evolved in Japan. After the death of the Meiji Emperor, the Crown Prince Yoshihito took the thrown. This marks the beginning of the Taisho Period. The period begun with political crisis, this interfered with other political negotiations. Misunderstandings brought down the Seiyukai Party in the cabinet. The public was angry and demands to terminate the genro politics or the old oligarchic system. They were supported by another party, the Saionjai. New party, the Rikken Doshikai won against the Seiyukai Party in the House. After World War I, Japan experienced unparalleled prosperity. Japan participated in the peace treaty of Versailles during 1919. They were also part of the â€Å"Big Five† which was a new order recognized internationally. Members of â€Å"Big Five† are countries which have great military and industrial supremacy around the globe. Tokyo, Japan’s capital city received a permanent seat in the League of the Nations Council. Germany’s pacific colonies were also transferred to Japan as Germany loses its rights in Shandong. Truly Japan evolved as an international player in international politics after the war. In September 29, 1918, Hara â€Å"Japanese History† â€Å"page# 2† Takashi, which is from the Saionji Party, was the first ever commoner to become the Prime Minister. The Emperor in Japan will only be the head of the state and not of the government. Different economic and national crises came to him. The public were enchanted with increasing national debts and election laws. The public was disappointed – students, professors, labor movements, including journalists. They were inspired by different schools of thoughts whether communist, socialist or democratic. They conducted massive public demonstrations. After the elections the Seiyukai Party regained the majority. Both communist and socialist parties flourished. This probably made this era more democratic for the public can freely say what they want to the government without fear of military interventions. After sometime, parliamentary system was established. Hara was later on assassinated. After sometime, the Peace Preservation Law was passed. This prohibits any chage in the structure of politics. The disagreements in the Diet results to the introduction of Rikken Minseito – a newly formed coalition of the Seiyu Honto (Seiyukai) and the Kenseikai. This party is committed to promote world peace, democracy and the parliamentary system of government. End of the Era In 1926, Emperor Taisho died and Crown Prince Hirohito assumes the thrown. This ends the Taisho Period. The democratic system of government continued to flourish I Japan during 1920’s. But the next decade, military forces become dominant and the parliamentary system of government was not able to withstand it along with both fiscal and political crises. â€Å"Japanese History† â€Å"page# 3† World War II The Second World War occurred during 1939 to 1945. It is a war between the Allies and the Axis. The Allies was composed mainly by China, France, United Kingdom, Soviet Union and United States. On the other hand, Japan, Italy and Germany were the member of the Axis. After Japan prosper in the postwar and gain political power internationally, Western leaders assumed that Japan is capable of conquering and unite Asia through Emperor Hirohito. In 1937, Japan invaded China with the goal to expand its territory and use its resources. Japanese also invaded the French Indochina. After these invasions the Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom, and Australia, who has stakes in Japan’s colonies, move to prohibit the export of Japan to be shipped to other places. The Western countries ask China for loans in order to have secret military covers. With pressure against it, Japan has no choice but to free its colonies or to declare war to conquer territories. Japan opted to start a war in the Pacific and launch attacks on Malaya, Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong and Hawaii. China has been under Japan for six years. Pearl Harbor Attack The Japanese military devised an attack in the Hawaii, specifically in Pearl Harbor. The attack was the initial phase of the Japanese in their war against US. The US embargo Japan because it is invading China. The embargo weakened Japan’s Military and economy. Japan wanted the embargo to be lifted by threatening the US for they know that the US does not have enough resources to launch a war. Pearl Harbor is the United States’ naval base and the location of the US’s Pacific Fleet. Japanese wanted to cripple US’s naval operations and attacked Pearl Harbor. The Japanese believed that destroying the US naval base would stop â€Å"Japanese History† â€Å"page# 4† US from fighting into war. The US military forces decoded Japanese code about the attack but it was too late. It was eight in the morning when Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The attack left more than 3500 American dead. Eighteen ships were badly damaged including eight battleships of the Pacific Fleet. Almost 350 aircrafts were destroyed and more than a thousand people died when the USS Arizona Battleship sunk. On December 8, 1941, the US launched war against Japan. The US dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, then on Nagasaki. Later on, Japan Surrendered. References: Erickson, J. , and Dilks, D. (1994). Barbarossa: The Axis and the Allies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Glantz, David M. (1991). From the Don to the Dnepr: Soviet Offensive Operations, December 1942 – August 1943. London: Cass. Haslam, J. (1992). The Soviet Union and the Threat from the East, 1933 – 41: Moscow, Tokyo, and the Prelude to the Pacific War. London: Macmillan. Harrison, M. ed. (1998). The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.